In the Daily Beast today FRPs Jacob Mchangama comments on the story of Ahmed Akkari, who spearheaded the protests against the Danish Muhammed cartoons in 2005, but now says he is sorry.
RT @JMchangama: Register for @FreedomRightsP conference on #humanrights in Copenhagen.
Great list of speakers including @DavidMKeyes http:/…04:36:17 PM January 21, 2024from TweetDeck
The programme for our international #humanrights conference is now available: Limited space is still available.09:28:39 PM January 06, 2024from web
RT @pedropizano: .@FreedomRightsP Presents International Human Rights Conference: Problems & Proposals. #Copenhagen #Jan30…04:46:02 PM December 13, 2023from TweetDeck
Registration for FRP's International Human Rights Conference 30 January 2024 now open: @JMchangama @Rhodesaaron PM December 13, 2023from web
Summary of the thought-provoking international conference on 'The Future Role of the ECHR' @JMchangama @iCourts PM November 18, 2024from web
Latest article by FRP's @Rhodesaaron on the diminishing role of Western liberal democracies in defending human rights PM November 01, 2024from web
#China praised far and wide for its human rights record during its #UPR See the latest article by FRP's @Rhodesaaron AM October 25, 2024from web
FRP's @Rhodesaaron on China's responsibility for the deteriorating human rights situation at home and abroad: PM October 21, 2024from web
Sculptor facing charges of incitement to hatred for daring to take stance on historical atrocities via @HuffPostArts12:16:23 PM October 21, 2024from Tweet Button